Over 100 industry professionals present during Heat Recovery Day

Demonstration of Scrubber, Heat Exchangers and Heat Pump Integration at Philip Morris, Bergen op Zoom (NL)

To demonstrate a finished project, JOA Air Solutions invited its closest relations for a demonstration during a ‘Heat Recovery Day’. Over 100 professionals from the manufacturing industry gathered for a day full of presentations on sustainability, interaction among peers and a tour through the Philip Morris site showcasing the project conducted by JOA including the implementation of a scrubber, in combination with the integration heat exchangers and two heat pumps.

What happened?

The event was a unique opportunity to explore how JOA’s combined expertise of handling emissions and the integration of heat recovery equipment leads to less environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions while also reducing operational costs.

During the day, all guests were welcomed by Hakan Kurtoglu, Director Manufacturing of PMI Bergen op Zoom. Next was Miguel Coleta, Global Sustainability Director of Philip Morris International, to talk about the sustainable transformation and goals of PMI. The last presentation was from JOA’s Managing Director Operations, Martin Tukker who dived deeper into the executed project explaining how waste heat was used to create sustainable energy. The audience interacted by asking questions and sharing insights.

After the lectures, the guests were treated with a lunch while sharing experiences and having guided tours through the facility.

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Overview of Heat Recovery Project:

  • Conversion of low-grade waste heat into high-temperature water (85-90°C)
  • Using Ammonia as a refrigerant
  • Coëfficient of Performance (COP) of 4,4
  • Capacity of 3MW heat output, delivering 13 GWh (gigawatt hours) of heat saving annually
  • CO2 emission reduction of 2,500 tons annually
  • Project Realization within 15 months

Would you like to know more?

Why did Philip Morris choose for JOA?

For the last 20 years, JOA has been a trusted partner of multiple sites of PMI. The truly tailor-made approach, combined with thorough calculations, air technical modelling and a commitment to performance had led to a strong partnership. Therefore, PMI selected JOA to contribute to their goals towards sustainability and operational excellence.

We are very grateful for PMI offering us the opportunity to share this project to a wider audience and that they are committed to invest in sustainable innovations that build trust and knowledge for various manufacturing industries.

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